Monday 15 May 2017

A Strange Happening in Cauldwell Street.

At about 9:15pm on Thursday, 7th October, teenager, Jason Haynes was riding his motor scooter back home from his part-time job at Sainsburys, when he was involved in a collision with a car on Cauldwell Street, Bedford.

The driver of the car, and one other motorist, got out to attend Jason who was lying on the ground injured. Given the obvious pain Jason was in and not knowing whether any bones had been broken, they decided not move him but wait for the ambulance, which had been called.

It was while lying there waiting, that Jason recalls a lady in a long white garment coming to him, speaking to him briefly and then placing her hands over parts of his body. The lady then left and shortly afterwards the ambulance arrived to take Jason to the hospital.

The doctor who examined him was surprised to find no injury, given the nature of the accident. Jason attributed this to the lady at the scene of the accident who had seemingly healed him with her touch . However, he could still feel some pain in his lower back, where the lady hadn't touched.

A few days later he saw a photograph of Shri Mataji in the paper advertising a public lecture on sahaja yoga in Guildhouse and recognised her immediately as the lady who had come to help him at the accident.

The only thing was: the date of the lecture was the 7th October. Shri Mataji was at Guildhouse in the middle of delivering the lecture at the same time as the event Jason described was happening.

Ross Francis, the journalist who investigated the story and who interviewed witnesses at the accident, could find nobody else who had seen the lady healer at the scene.

Below is an old photocopy of the front-page report Ross Francis filed in the Bedfordshire Journal, October 12th, 1982: A strange happening in Cauldwell Street.

 So Jason Haynes got cured; Ross Francis went on to write other regular features for his local newspaper. That incident, after being a key topic of conversations in the local pub and supermarket  for a while, probably got filed away in most people's memory as one of life's unexplained events . Except , of course, for any local people who attended Shri Mataji's lecture, that night in October 1982 and then went on to spend time with Shri Mataji to learn sahaja yoga.

For them, as with other sahaja yogis,' miracles' became the common but extraordinary experience in different encounters with Shri Mataji. Some of these encounters are captured in a book by Linda Williams, available on Amazon. Personal accounts of nine different people contained in the book are shown below.

1. Curing leukaemia with kundalini awakening - Gautam Sarkar

2. Commanding the ocean waves and calling forth light at Ganapatipule - P. D. Chavhan

The power of the meditation photograph - Ravindranath Saundankar

3.Protection from a distance - Jayant Patankar

4. Removal of doubt - Gregoire de Kalbermatten 

5. Only a 'Himalayan Master' knew who Shri Mataji really was - Sandeep Gadkary

6.  Mountain Villagers in Himalayas waiting for Shri Mataji over generations - Auriol Williams.

7. Bandhan works on inanimate object - Tarachandra

8. A mother's scolding of her children in a place outside of time - John Henshaw.

9. Christ resides on Agnya chakra - Niranjan Mavinkurve.

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