Tuesday 16 June 2015

Human Beings 2.0: Epigenetics , Neuroplasticity and Gifted Children.

Recapping what we covered at last weeks meeting, with regular meditation, your awareness of and sensitivity to vibrations develops to the point where you can make use of it in some interesting ways, by channelling it  through your hands.

Since vibrations is the essence of life energy or vital force (a subtler energy than the 'chi' of Chinese medicine and martial arts) , you can direct it to living things to heal and enhance.  For example experiments have been carried out by vibrating crop seeds and then making use of 'vibrated water' on them while they were growing. The yield and quality of the harvested crops was found to be significantly better than normal. When future  world food shortages are being predicted because of climate change and there's some controversy about GM (genetically- modified) crops, we may have to try and persuade agriculturalists to look into this.

With Mindfulness Meditation all the rage at the moment, it's good to remember that a useful test for a lot of things is to ask yourself how simple is it ? Could a child understand and practice it? Anyway, here's a 2 year old explaining sahaja yoga meditation in 3 minutes: A 2 year old explains..

On the subject of children, there's a fascinating field of science developing called Epigenetics. The gist of it (in my layman's reading of it) is that biological inheritance can be passed on by other means than through DNA. While the cycle of DNA changes occuring in evolution take place over a much larger time scale (1000+ years), Epigenetic changes are inter-generational, in other words, they represent a form of  'accelerated evolution' . Do you know what beneficial changes are taking place in your brain when you meditate regularly? Apparently the brain is not of static structure but undergoes 'morphing', the technical term for which is Neuroplasticity . Epigenetics suggests that neuroplastic changes could be inherited by your off-spring which points to  baseline awareness/consciousness of future generations being in 'vibratory awareness' from birth. They won't have to attend a meditation class; it will just be part of there 'super' human awareness state.  For further reading, take a look at this paper : Epigenetic changes in Human Brain Evolution .
So inspite of the multitude of existential threats to humanity, including catastrophic climate change, environmental disaster, an ebola-like pandemic, geo-political conflicts leading to nuclear mishap, advances in artificial intelligence and Internet of things (IoT) leading to us being taken over by Robots that we purchased to do the housework, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, which may not be the train coming the other way. The solution seems to be to evolve out of the problems.

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